Monday, October 17, 2011

Questions for Candidates

Election season is fast approaching and as we begin to decide who to support for various offices I’d like to share some of my thoughts on that topic.

Running-for-Office_thumb2When we elect someone to public office we are entrusting them to make decisions on our behalf using information to which we often don’t have access. That being the case I’m more interested in the quality of their character than a specific policy position that may change as an office holder gets access to additional information.

Here are 5 questions that will not be asked of candidates in public debate, but which I seek answers to when evaluating candidates. Some of these are best answered (e.g. #2) by people who know the candidate rather than the candidate:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Central Committee Meeting 23 Sept 2011

The Central Committee (precinct chairs & vice chairs) met today in what for me was one of the most productive meetings I have attended. Members were elected of two committee (audit and by-laws/constitution). There were the same number of candidates as positions for the audit committee so all were elected by acclimation. For the constitution and by-laws committee however there were several more candidates than positions so each candidate was given 90 seconds to introduce themselves and then we voted. The following people were elected to serve on this committee (in order of votes -- highest to lowest):
  • Diane Christensen
  • Kristen Chevrier (former member)
  • Lisa Shepherd (former County Secretary)
  • Kirby Glad (former member and chair)
  • Dan Forward
  • Paul Baltes
  • Norman Jackson
In a close vote (88 to 85) we adopted a policy of selecting members of the state central committee by apportioning a number of positions (5 to 10 per district depending on size) to each senate district and then when at the country organizing convention when we divide into senate districts voting on them. The current process is to select on 20 members in on shot. There are typically 50 to 70 candidates who simply parade in front of the convention attendees and then we vote. By dividing into senate districts to select state committee members the thinking is that we will have more time to review a fewer number of candidates and can thus make more a more informed decision. I emphatically support this change.

We voted to allow on the precinct chairs to appoint replacements to state and county delegates within  their precincts. Previously, leg district chairs were allowed to make the replacements as well in contradiction to the State GOP Constitution.

We also voted to allow a proposals to be discharged from the by-laws and constitution committee if a petition to do so is signed by 50 committee members. Previously proposals could only reach the Central Committee after review and approval by the Constitution and By-laws committee and the Executive Committee

The previous two proposal were approved by wide margins in voice votes.

We were also asked to fill out a detailed survey indicating our thoughts what if any positions should be eligible for ex-officio delegate state (e.g. precinct chairs are automatically state and county delegates). This is a contentious and the By-laws and Constitution Committee is trying to put an amendment together that best represents the position of those opposed to some ex-officio delegates. I am perfectly OK with the current policy as I believe that it provides an incentive for those who serve on county committees or hold leg district positions (elected and appointed) to take time out of their lives to fill these roles.

An editorial note here is that my feeling is that those who oppose ex-officio delegates will continue to adamantly fight against them even if we vote (as has been done previously) to maintain them. And this will continue to be a contentious and time-wasting issue. I hope I am wrong.

Becky Lockhart (Speaker of the House) and Kurt Bramble (State Senator) also spoke to us and let us know where redistricting stands. Here is a summary of their messages:
  • Utah county will most likely have 5 Senate Districts (a couple of them will include portions of other counties
  • Our leg district boundaries will be changed. Most likely it will consist of Highland and Alpine plus Cedar Hills.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

County Organizing Convention 2011

Your County Delegates all attended the County Organizing Convention. This event is to designed to elect the officers and individuals to 'organize' the County party for the next 2 years. In particular, this year is very critical. These individuals will be in place for the 2012 election cycle.

I personally was impressed with the significant number of citizens in our county who were willing to run for these volunteer offices. They are individuals like you, who have families and jobs that make their lives busy. Yet, they all felt a need to step-up and serve as they are as concerned as many of you about the course and direction our country is headed into.

There were several things that the delegates experienced yesterday.

Our Senate Caucus (SD 11) hear from several speakers. We first heard from our House Representative, John Dougall (pictured here with Senator Valentine). His main topic was HB 116 and immigration at large. The delegates asked questions and made comments expressing their views on this topic.

Representative Ken Sumsion then spoke on the topic of Redistricting. (There is a meeting at the capital When » May 4, 9 a.m. in Room 30, House Building (west office building behind the Capitol) for public input). In the next few weeks, there will be an online application that will allow citizens to try to draw redistricting lines and bring their feedback to the committee in charge.

The delegates then heard from Representative Jason Chaffetz and Senator Mike Lee. Both had concerns about the mounting debt and they shared reasons why they voted against the recent $38 billion compromise. Senator Lee commits to voting against raising the debt ceiling. He states that the gloomy forecast just isn't reality. He stated that the Fed will continue to make our debt payments with or without raising the debt ceiling. He stated that concern would only arise if the Fed stopped making payments.

There are many solutions to our debt situation that are being considered with one requiring Congress to prioritize what gets paid first (Debt, Military, Entitlements, then other programming).

Governor Herbert was also present. He addressed the audience twice. Once in defense of HB 116 and the 2nd time highlighting what is right in Utah. He alluded to the suit Utah filed against the Federal Government in regard to the Wild Lands issue. He also stated that Utah's financial standing is the best in the nation and the Utah leads the way in so many areas.

Senator Orrin Hatch and State Senator Howard Stephensen were there in spirit. Reportedly, Senator Hatch was en route by plane but was not able to arrive in time. Senator Stephenson's mother passed away and the funeral was Saturday Morning.

There were several resolutions that were voted on. The most controversial was the resolutions against HB116. Before the vote, each side of the issue was shared by representatives from the state. The vote was close 443-365 in favor or asking legislators to repel this bill. For more information, please see this article in the Salt Lake Tribune.

To see all the resolutions presented please go to this link.

Final results for Utah County Leadership are (after the 2nd vote):

David Acheson 505 62.89%
Dave Duncan 298 37.11%

Vice Chair
Adrielle Herring 470 53.23%
Lisa Shepherd 413 46.77%

Jeremy Roberts 404 51.20%
Kristen Chevrier 385 48.80%

Scott Bell 451 51.08%
Lisa Jensen 246 27.86%
Steven Reid 168 19.03%
Don Larsen 18 2.04%

To see the results of the elected members of the State Central Committee, please go here. (Each delegate could vote for up to 20 individuals out of a field of 68)

Your delegates served you well. Thank you for the opportunity you have giving us to represent you. Considering running as a delegate in the 2012 Caucus', its an experience everyone really should have!

Friday, April 22, 2011

County Convention is April 30th

The 2011 Utah County Republican Party Convention will be held on April 30th at Maple Mountain High School in Spanish Fork. Many individuals are contacting your County Delegates to plea for their votes. As constituents, you may want to know what the topics and who the individuals are who are running for office. Please, please write you comments below or send them to and I will forward them on to the delegates. Your input is critical and we would appreciate hearing what you have to say!

See this link for more information on who is running and the issues at hand. Please make your voice known!

Friday, February 04, 2011

How much is $100 Million?

If you took the opportunity to hear the State of the Union Address by President Obama recently, he stated that we need to reduce spending and the deficit. He essentially stated that he and his staff were going to find $100 Million Dollars to cut from the budget. How much is that really? See the video below.....visual aides really do help in this situation.