Sunday, June 10, 2018

Primary Candidates--June 2018--Precinct Vice-Chair

Dear residents in the HI02 precinct,

You elected me to represent you at the Utah County Republican convention in April and I wanted to report back to you as to how and why I voted the way I did.

County Commission Seat A – Tom Sakievich verses Tanner Ainge
I voted for Tom. I believe the commission needs a disciplined and mature person who has high level, organizational and planning experience within a governmental bureaucracy.
Tom served thirty eight years in the United State Marine Corps, the last few years being responsible for restructuring a major section of the Corps, affecting 180,000 members and saving several hundred million dollars in the process.
Tanner, on the other hand, is a very bright, quick study and has highly developed evaluation skills as a venture capitalist and was, without question, the best debater in the field of six candidates.
The tipping point for me was when each candidate was asked to say something they admired about the candidate sitting next to them. Five struggled with this question but from Tom, the compliments flowed like an open floodgate. He demonstrated that he is a self-confident, people person who is comfortable praising the good qualities of even a competitor.

Utah House Seat, District 27 – Jared Carman versus Brady Brammer
I voted for Jared Carman. I looked for a candidate who exhibited the qualities that I admire in Mike Kennedy.
Jared is a successful entrepreneur (2 tech companies, 3 patents), helped the Utah legislators draft and pass pro-family legislation and has worked for years to ensure parents rights with regard to their children’s education. He has experience working directly with the legislature and understands the value of and the challenges that face small businesses. My support for Jared has increased as I have gotten to know him personally since the convention.
Brady Brammer, on the other hand, has years of service on the Highland City Planning Commission and is familiar with the legislative process. In truth, he has an impressive resume. The deal breaker for me was circumventing the caucus system by collecting signatures to ensure that he would be on the primary ballot in June, regardless of delegate preference.

County Sheriff – Mike Smith and Jim Phelps
I voted for Mike Smith. I talked with both candidates at length and both would be good but for different reasons. Mike is stronger in administrative experience and is well known and supported by many of his fellow police chiefs. Jim, on the other hand, has vast and varied experience working with other law enforcement agencies as a US Marshal. I got the impression that Jim may be too closely associated with the County Attorney’s office, a bit of an insider. Even though they have to work together, as a citizen, I prefer that they be as independent as possible. Mike appears to be one more step removed from the other branch of the justice system and that, I think, gives the average citizen greater protection and may reduce preferential treatment of insiders.

County Attorney – David Leavitt and Chad Grunander
I voted for David.
There are accusations that the County Attorney’s office has been over zealous in prosecuting some cases. The office has also vigorously resisted the attempts by the County Commissioners to investigate and/or regulate (hold accountable) the county attorneys. I understand the need to for independence but I also recognize arrogance. Chad is the assistant County Attorney today. He obviously comes with extensive experience with the office and as a local prosecutor but he, in my opinion, is tainted by the history of the office.
David, on the other, has extensive experience in other counties at the County Attorney level in both criminal prosecution and defending counties and municipalities. For me, this is a very attractive balance. The County Attorney needs experience in both disciplines in order to run a balanced office. David is also an “outsider” to the Utah County environment. And probably most important, I have great respect for the two attorneys who represented him at the open houses when David had scheduling conflicts.

State Races
I was not a state delegate but have personal experience with two of the four candidates running for Congress or US Senate.

US Senate
I support Mike Kennedy. I know him personally and his values align perfectly with mine. He did NOT collect signatures but allowed the delegates to interview him and let them decide who would best represent Utah’s interests. Mitt, on the other hand, did pay people to collect signatures, thus bypassing the caucus system. Mitt’s signature health care legislation, as Governor of MA, became the template for Obamacare. Mitt is an experienced and highly effective executive but I have reservations about his personal politics.

US Congressional Seat District 3
I know Chris Herrod personally and worked on his campaign a year ago. Again, his values align perfectly with mine. John lost badly in convention but because he paid to have signatures collected, he essentially bypassed the caucus system and forced Chris into a primary, which is where the man with the most money won.

Thank you for electing me to represent you at convention and I hope you agree that I voted for the right people for the right reasons. I welcome your comments because it is impossible for one person to know everything about every candidate.

Devirl Barfuss, Precinct Vice-Chair

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