Sunday, May 23, 2010

Morgan Philpot.....

We were fortunate enough to hear from Morgan Philpot, who is running for the 2nd Congressional Representative. This is a position currently held by Jim Matheson. Mr. Philpot is originally from a small town in Oregon. He served in the Utah Congress for several years, and then left to attend Law School. The following are some of the topics discussed and his answers:

  • Check and balance within the Republican Party. We need to be dedicated to the principal of the party. He stated that there are 2 focuses of Republican party: elect and serve our platform. We have moved to ensuring we are electing individuals at all costs. He states that we need to elect individuals who will be dedicated to the principals not only of the party, but also of the Constitution.

He has "The 3 pillars" of his campaign.

  • Tackle taxation: The Federal Government collects too much money that goes directly to Washington and comes back to the states with strings attached. His answer: Cut taxes. Alternative Min tax, Capital gains, Corporate tax, etc·

  • Cut programs.

  • He feels that Utah needs to control it’s own destiny. We need access to and control of our own lands. Currently, 67% are under the control of the federal government. He cited the example of the Obama Administration revoking Leases for oil exploration.

  • Congress needs to respect the rule of law. We now have a congress who does what they want and a Supreme Court who will not challenge it. We need to put the Fed Gov in a place as they should be bound by the Constitution.

  • How do you deal with the massive bills in WA and jammed through? I almost always refuse to vote for them. If I couldn’t understand that bill or anybody could not, did not vote for it.

  • How would you deal with the recent Health care bill that was 'passed'? Heath care has to be defunded until 2012. It won’t be repealed until there is a an Administration change (President). He believes in the Free-market and and individual's sovereignty.

  • What is the first thing you would do if you are elected: He stated that he would make a Bee-line for Paul Ryan. Mr Ryan has spent his time tackling the congressional budget and is the Senior Republican on the Ways and Means Committee. Mr Ryan focuses on the American Idea (we respect the founding fathers for their genius and inspiration for greatest document the world has even known …..freedom, free market, pursue the dream). He tackles how the government is spending our money. It is currently unsustainable. Output exceeded input….this year which wasn’t supposed to happen in 2017. Deficit spending in 1 month was 85 billion.

  • What would you do about the Federal Land issue: The Federal Government will not be quick to relinquish power. Mr. Philpot stated that he will sponsor the same bill over and over to return land or tackle policies to determine whether we can keep leases that have already been granted. No power should be able to determine whether these leases can be revoked or not when changing from one administration to another.

  • How can we help support your campaign? Donate to $20.10 (or more) to · Mr. Matheson receives 90% of his funding from out of state and 80% of that is from PAC’s. Secondly, Mike Olsen and Mike Bready will be the captains for Mr. Philpot's campaign in our precinct. We need to recruit as many volunteers as possible for signage, calling, and other needed services. Finally, vote early, so that you will be available election day to help finish the campaign.

There were other topics that were discussed as well. This is a short summary of the meeting. We want to thank Mr. Philpot for taking time to speak with our constituents.

1 comment:

Rod Mann said...

Great summary Carin.